Wednesday, March 31, 2010

So I took a job sort of. I am now watching a 3 1/2 year old girl. She is a good kid so far but its only been 3 days. We shall see how things go. She feels the need to constantly tell me what she is doing. It gets annoying after a few hours. She is an only child and you can tell she acts like an adult unless there is one around then she is a 3 year old. My boys have turned into little brats. They don't listen to anything and ignore things I tell them. I am trying to figure out what to do. I have tried time out ya that was a waste of time (my time). I took all their toys away for a week and once they got them back we were back at square one. I wish kids came with a hand book or something. I could really use one right about now. My sanity seems to be missing some days.

Plus I am trying to pack up so we can move in a month and a half. It just makes things hard.

On the up side of life Kyelee rolled over yesterday for the first and second time. She is only 5 1/2 weeks old. She did get colic but we are tying to help her feel better. (like she needed something on top of acid reflux (which she has pretty bad)). But she still has many moments where she is so cute and she will smile and coo. She really is a mellow baby. And she only gets up once at night (sometimes twice but that doesn't happen often). Its getting her back in bed that's hard.

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