Tuesday, March 16, 2010

So I guess I am a slacker since its been like a year since I updated my blog. My sister would be happy if I updated more often. Its been a trying year to say the least. I was on bed rest through most of my pregnancy. Only to end it with the beginnings of pre eclampsia. So fun- NOT!

Kyelee Marie was born on Feb 19. at 8lbs 2.9 oz 19 3/4 inches. She was only 4 weeks early. Can you imagine what she would have weighed if she had been full term? I don't really want to know. I guess I just make industrial size kids. And No I didn't have diabetes. Well Justin only used up most of his sick time and vacation while I was pregnant and after I had the baby. We did get some help from my ward and family. But it was hard. At the time I needed someone here at the house which is hard to find when 98% of women work. I'm sure the Relief Society and Compassionate Service person were happy to hear I don't need some one any more. It always seemed like its was extremely difficult to find someone. I know how hard it is to find a sitter. Justin and I never go on dates any more. I don't think we will have one again until after our kids are much older like in their teens or so. There are some sitters but they need a lot of notice or they won't watch them if they are sick or have runny noses. Which for my kids is to often. When we havethem well and we have time to go we can't afford to pay a sitter so we just look at each other and say what we would have done and go to bed. Pathetic I know.

But this last weekend Justin took the boys camping and they had so much fun. Devin keeps asking if he can go again. I tell him some day he can but not today.

Hopefully we can get some kind of routine down so I can find time to pack so we can move. Wish us luck.

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