Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Alex has had a kidney transplant and he is trying to eat new foods. He is managing to eat just a few crumbs and that is big progress. We are mostly tackling a big fear of eating and swallowing food. But we have made progress and Alex wants to try so that is a good thing. My family has been so blessed and I may not seem thankful but I am. He is so smart and happy in-spite of all he has to go through. He doesn't know any different. He is really a good kid.  All my kids are so good. I am so thankful. Our life is so very different than what I imagined it would be. But now I can look back and see just how strong I was through it all. I can also see how much we have grown as a family. Its times like this that puts things into perspective. You find out what is really important.

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