Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Alex has had a kidney transplant and he is trying to eat new foods. He is managing to eat just a few crumbs and that is big progress. We are mostly tackling a big fear of eating and swallowing food. But we have made progress and Alex wants to try so that is a good thing. My family has been so blessed and I may not seem thankful but I am. He is so smart and happy in-spite of all he has to go through. He doesn't know any different. He is really a good kid.  All my kids are so good. I am so thankful. Our life is so very different than what I imagined it would be. But now I can look back and see just how strong I was through it all. I can also see how much we have grown as a family. Its times like this that puts things into perspective. You find out what is really important.
I realize I almost never post but what can I say. Some years are so busy and others are not. We balance life between homeschooling and hospital stays. Its a crazy life but  its mine.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Ya life happens

So obviously I hardly get on my blog. Maybe I should do it more but I don't. I do tell my self its ok because I am busy. That's a good excuse right?

Here is a run down of the last year-ish. Ok so we started out like everyone else struggling but doing fine. Then ya I got pregnant with a COMPLETE bed rest pregnancy. This same pregnancy got me a 3 month stay in the hospital which ended in me getting gutted like a fish. Just after having baby #4. They (the doctors) shipped my little man to another hospital (Phoenix Children's Hospital) where he lived for about 8 weeks or so. No I did not hold him before he was shipped. I didn't see him again for a little over a week. While I tried to recover from Major surgery. When I did get to see him; he didn't feel like my baby. It was a very weird experience.
I took a REALLY long time to recover. When I was mostly recovered; my baby came home finally.

But he didn't come home alone. He came with feeding pumps and monitors and LOTS of equipment. He has chronic kidney failure and he hates all calories and flavor based foods and drinks. So he only drinks water and everything else goes through a tube. Through many surgeries, and ya I lost count on what number we are on for that, he is still a semi happy baby. He doesn't sleep well all the time in fact its a pretty recent thing to sleep through the night and still maybe nap in the day time. His naps are usually very short maybe an hour but most of the time only 10-20 minutes. He requires a lot of care.

So since I had so much free time (NOT) I am able to take care of my baby. Mean while I have 2 others in therapy and ya with the baby that makes 3 out of 4 kids in therapy. Not to mention doctors appointments and I am homeschooling the older boys (the reason is a whole new topic that would take me another 2 hours to write) and I am also going to school. Can life get crazier? yes it can we are currently a one car family because the motorcycle has been broken for a month and a half. On the bright side we are done having kids. Four is our lucky number with 3 boys and one pampered princess. Our family is complete. God loves me but sometimes I wish I knew what he was thinking when he dumps out my life's pieces and forgets that I can't see the whole picture. But my faith keeps me going. I know through my Savior Jesus Christ I can do anything.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Those 4 pounds I lost before  . . . ya I totally got those back but no interest! But I will get those off again no worries
Well with school starting tomorrow it has been a crazy 2 weeks. So much to do so little time. Everyone was sick when we came back from our Idaho trip. (I was the only one NOT sick) Once everyone seemed to be doing better, I got sick (of course) and promptly lost my voice for several days (I wasn't to disappointed about that. So now that I am feeling a tiny bit better I have even more to do.

When it rains it pours. Justin's Motorcycle needs a new chain and apparently new sprockets (whatever those are). So we are down to one vehicle. Therefore I get the privilege of walking Devin to school in the Hot weather. One way the trip is about .7 miles. Not so bad but when you are pulling 3 kids in a wagon that must total 180 or so pounds and its like 119 outside, its a bit tougher. So it took me an hour to go there and back. Man I am still tired from the trip. So I am not looking forward to doing this twice a day, 5 days a week.

Well I also planned to host a pampered chef party and honestly I can't wait for it to be over. Don't get me wrong I am excited to host it but all these little things are starting to get to me. Things like  . . this has to be one of the worst financial months of this year. So I just want things to settle down a bit so maybe I can find my sanity. Have you seen it?

But on a cute note Kyelee loves to play dress up now and today she used a newspaper as a cape. So funny. I will try to upload the picture tonight.

Someday I am going to have a week at a spa and a huge shopping spree. That way I can look, feel and be beautiful. Someday . . . (sigh) Well back to reality and the mess it leaves!

Monday, June 27, 2011

OH ya we did buy the house. I love it. Its been fun to have our own house. The neighborhood is quiet. It may not stay that way with our new neighbors. Some people (a bunch of singles) bought the house next door and I don't think they will be so quiet. We shall see how it goes. I am praying for the best.
So I started using this site called and I Have to say it has helped me keep track of what i am eating and What I am doing for exercise. It has helped cause I have lost 4 lbs since I started  about 2 weeks ago. So its a good start