Friday, January 14, 2011

I am going to try the coupon thing again this year and this time I will be using my spouse to help me learn. It makes perfect sense to him but no to me. Plus I always over do it when I go shopping. Learning to be frugal is so hard when you are not used to it. I also pulled my ab muscle. That is so annoying. But I do know how to fix it. Rest. I was just a bit to exuberant in my efforts to loose weight and get thin.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My real New Years resolution is to right letters to my friends. Which I have mostly been successful at least I think so.
Oh and I have banned myself from daycare. It drives me bonkers and I slowly loose my mind. So I am just going to have my own kids and Home school them. Which has been fun.
That is not food by her eye. She cuts her self right there all the time. It always happens just before I need a cute picture of her. But she has the cutest smile ever.
This is Devin with a breakfast mustache. Also funny maybe you had to be there.
So Treygan fell asleep while eating and it looks like the peas are coming out of his mouth. I laughed really hard.
So maybe this new year I should post more and actually keep up this blog. Ya we shall see what happens.