Wednesday, August 12, 2009

well Devin is back in school and Treygan is trying everyday to get on the bus with him. Its so cute. On a side note I am now pregnant with number 3 and due at the end of March. Devin wants a girl baby and Treygan just know there is a baby in mommy's tummy that won't come out. Devin told me that we should name the baby Roslin. I don't like that name so I don't think we will. We still can't figure out where he got that name.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Easter is just not Easter unless there is egg and cupcake decorating. Devin ate about a cup of frosting or more. Treygan tried to eat an egg but was disappointed when the shell broke and it wasn't sweet like candy. Devin decided that his eggs needed frosting so he would put frosting on them then lick off the frosting. In the process of licking he took most of the coloring off the egg. It was almost white when we realized how much frosting he was eating. We decided it was time to go outside for the egg hunt.

Dog Pile on Mommy! They love to do this to Justin and I. We just laugh and laugh.

All the boys were watching a reading video. They loved to sit next to little Aiden.

This is Aiden. My sister Elise's baby. He was showing off by holding his own bottle and laughing.

Treygan makes his first sandwich with Daddy

Treygan is helping Justin make some sandwiches for his lunch to take to work. He had peanut butter everywhere. When Justin wasn't looking Treygan took a knife and started spreading all by himself. Which really meant he dug holes into the bread. I didn't stop him because I thought it was so cute. Treygan was so proud. I was proud of him too. He also tasted the peanut butter not from the jar of course but from the sandwich. That also made holes in the bread. When Justin started he had no idea what he was in for. Both of them had a great time.
Both Devin and Treygan are on the 3rd video of the 'Your Baby Can Read' program. They think its a game but when I see them read a word or two at the store I get so excited.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Treygan is now reading the words. I am so excited. I love the "Your Baby Can Read" program. It was worth every penny.

Devin was helping reorganize the food storage and his job was to move the cans from the hall to the floor by the vacuum. He did a wonderful job. The line of cans is almost back to where they started. I laughed so hard.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

This is Shaylee, Devin and Treygan playing together in Idaho.

Justin was cold so I put about 5 or 6 blankets on him then Devin climbed up and then Treygan wanted on too. So I thought it would be a cute picture. They love their daddy!
We made this with grandma when she was visiting after Christmas. It was so much fun.
I want to be someone important when I grow up.

Devin and Treygan are playing in a Tee-Pee that their grandma in Idaho gave them for Christmas. They LOVE it.
I must say he was so happy to sit in this chair. He is such a happy kid.

Here is Treygan. He got out of his bed and fell asleep under Devin's bed. We always check on the boys but when we went in that night we couldn't find him anywhere. So then we looked under the bed and there he was sound asleep. Isn't he cute

These are my boys. They are watching "Your Baby Can READ". They are so cute.